Monday, July 31, 2006

I left my heart in SF.

So I hopped on a plane and came home as soon as I could after I finisheid my internship and SF is pretty much the greatest place to live in the US...and I'm not biased or anything. I got in at 9 pm and the first stop on the way home guessed it..In and Out. My stepdad was a little puzzled as to why i was craving it so bad...I don't think he understands the pure love of a fresh burger...sad. Anyway, it was delightful! And I didn't really realize how long of a flight it is from boston to SFO. Its LONG. Especially when you sit on the plane for an extra 45 mins waiting for the T-storms to go away. Grrr. But thank you jet blue for giving me sportscenter on the way over to make sure I didn't miss any of the scores.

At 10 pm my friend elizabeth from high school in Bellevue, WA came over as I inspected my brand new house! I have to say it was really weird to come home to a new house, but I love it! It has such a great pool and hot tub and its so cute and i think its much more homey than my old one...

At midgnight I went to my friend Melissa's bday was a surprise...both for her and the people at her party b/c I showed up! Everyone was puzzled as to why I flew from Boston and then came to the party that night...anyway, so fun to catch up with old peeps.Here's a sweet pic of melissa and I. woo hoo!

I was SO tired and I went to bed at 1:30 AM....430 EST. Then Saturday the Stanford ward had a car wash/water fight and BBQ. IT was so great hanging out at the Stanford ward building again...*sigh*...such good memories. Sara, my best friend from growing up, and I were mischevious as always...just like old times. :-)

Sar and I working hard on washing that car....

After that I headed over to Karren's house for some was to die for, I don't know how I didn't know about this delectable dessert before...I thought I was the queen of desserts...anyway SO GOOD. And I love their house...its in PA, great place.

At last...we went up to Golden Gate park in SF for this awesome BBQ...tons of kids up there. They set up a volleyball net, and I saw horseshoes..and then I said to Sar, I wish they had...CROQUET...and guess what, I looked over and they did! I was very happy. Jon played w/ us...he whooped Sar and I. Sar and I had a great time giggling like we always do. We were talking to some random boy who said, "what are you guys on?" which made us laugh even harder. As Sara said, "You don't know how familiar that phrase is to us". There's something about Sara and I...when we get together we giggle WAY too much and people get a little weirded out..haha
Sar in deep mediatation planning her next shot...

Great Action Shot.

Sar beating on Jon...haha

After that was horseshoes, I had the technique down but somehow it always bounced wrong so I never got a ringer. Brian, playing left handed b/c of his shoulder surgery, managed to get TWO ringers. Sadness. My team lost although we had the seasoned players. Grr.

Check out that form! Thanks Sar for getting this shot...

Jake, my other team member, made a valiant effort, though we still lost.

Here's Brian with his one armed throw...still good for TWO ringers!

After all that...we went to Grant's loft on Mission and tight! We didn't stay very long b/c we were all so tired...and I was so ready for bed. It was a crazy saturday. My mom wondered where I was all day and she said, "you are just using me for a bed!" So I made her feel better by hanging out w/ her all yesterday. haha.
And as we walked away, Brian almost forgot his shopping cart.


k8 said...

cities don't come better than that one. Glad you are having fun!!!

CoCo said...

Same wit ... different city. : )
Hurry back to Boston so we can play a few more times.

jocie said...

i miss palo alto...sigh... make sure to walk the dish for me!