Friday, September 01, 2006

Sleep deprived. And dirty.

So I moved tiring. You know what is really, really tacky? leaving all of your crap in your apartment when you leave so the new tenants have to not only throw away your trash, but also have to scrub every nook and cranny of their new apartment. i'm bitter.

Anyway, so I look awful today and I went to lunch w/ my bro at CPK. We were waiting for my food and I laid my head down on the table. Some old lady with really bright coral lipstick walked by through the window and stopped and stared at me. Then I popped my head up and saw her. Then she mouthed with her huge lips like she was yelling: GO TO BED!

There you have it folks. I will remember this during the fall when I'm not sleeping at all.


CoCo said...

or like the time I decided to move to CA and stay up everynight until 4:00am "organizing" and then having someone that does not know you very well go "yeah ... you LOOK tired". I feel your pain sister.

ANJ said...

two things i loved about your post:

1. "nook and cranny." HA! i laughed out loud when i read that. my mom always says nook and cranny. she also says scrub it with "hot soapy water." and she ALSO always says "leave this house spit-spot"

2. these phrases go along perfectly with really bright coral lipstick ladies who mouth messages to poor, overworked twentysomethings through windows. i love that you put bright coral lipstick. perfect.

i miss you! now GO TO BED

kt said...

i miss whit

kt said...

ya know. just cause I went on vacation doesn't mean I don't read your blog. Honestly, get on it.