Monday, September 11, 2006

Moving To.

So, my blog has been forgotten for some time. But please don't blame me. My internet at home is spotty since we are stealing it. Soon we will get internet in our new place but for now...i just get internet at school and we all know how I'd rather be on my roofdeck than at school. Plus school sucks and so does class and so do what it feels like 1 million questions during law firm interviews. :-) But anyway, so my moving story is quite a good one. You have probably all heard it now that I've been telling it over and over, but for those of you who dont know, I moved TWICE over labor day weekend. Yup, you read that right, TWICE. We moved to Beacon Hill and I was all excited b/c I got movers and so I figured hey, this will be a piece of cake. Instead, moving was a nightmare. The girls that were in our place left it disgustingly dirty and they
weren't moved out on time. When we signed the contract in July we were a little hesistant because a smoker lived in the apartment and it smelled like an ash tray. I wasn't too happy about that since she lived in my room. Anyway, the realtors promised us that they would professionally clean it and they would deep clean the walls etc etc blah blah. Well, it was all a LIE. And we found out that there were a lot of things broken and all the sudden the T went by and the whole house shook. So anyway, we were distraught. The realtor kept promising someone was going to come clean, but no one ever came. Our landlord finally listened to our pleads and she said to my roommate that she would not hold us to the contract if we wanted to move. Also that night (Friday), Liz found out that our DREAM apt with a private roofdeck that we couldn't afford that we saw in July was still available and it was the same price as the place we were in. That set in a motion of events that included having a huge fight with the landlord and broker, storming out of their office on Saturday, threatening to take them to court (I used my angry lawyer face), signing a lease for the other apartment, getting keys on Saturday, Cameron then acting as the lawyer and writing up a new contract for our new old apartment, and then starting to move our stuff Saturday night. Which, by the way, was not too fun. Now we live on a 5th floor walk up...NO elevator...haha. But thankfully we hired a couple guys to move our couches, TV, beds, etc. But when I say beds...that doesn't include the boxsprings. Which brings me to another funny story. My brother being McGyver.

Anyway, so Sunday my arms were shot and for some reason only my left calf was sore walking up all those stairs. I think I walked up and down those stairs about 50 times.

Monday came along and my brother got to show his McGyver skills. So as I mentioned, we could only get our mattresses up the stairs since they were too narrow. The box springs couldn't fit. Cam had the brillant idea of pulling the box springs up to the roof w/ rope and then getting them down the stairs that lead up to the roof deck. Jake came over and assisted in the whole process but man, it was a beautiful sight to see my boxsprings and my roommate's boxsprings being lifted up 5 floors to the roof. Here is the proof that this actually happened.

That was my roommate's full boxspring....the first time we pulled it up we didn't think through it too well and we had to put it back down again b/c Cam thought of tying it so there was an extra piece of rope on the end to pull the whole thing up onto the roof. The Second time was successful.

My roommate Liz and Jake with my Queen boxspring on our sidewalk. Notice the lovely brick side I love beacon hill. :-)

Can you tell how excited Cam is to pull a McGyver?

And there goes the queen boxspring.

Bottom line: had it not been for my bro, I wouldn't be in my DREAM apt that i'm in right now. Now just if I could actually find the time to unpack some boxes...


kt said...

Oh my word! That is the coolest thing I've ever seen !!!!

k8 said...

don't tell HIM this but sometimes that Cameron is quite brilliant ; )
Congrats on the big move Whit, I am super jealous of your new lovely digs. I must visit soon...

ANJ said...

that´s amazing. i can´t wait to see said "dream apartment." like i said, get one of your roommates married off by december, and i´ll move in in january :)