Tuesday, October 31, 2006

H-A-Double L-O-Double U- Double E-N Spells Halloween!

This year's Halloween was so fun, when Tuesday the 31st rolled around, I forgot that all of the parties that preceded Halloween meant that Halloween hadn't actually happened yet. The only thing that made me sad about Halloween was the fact that on Halloween I missed the free munchkins and candy that accompany "student appreciation day" at the law school. I almost went out and bought a whole bucket of munchkins so that I could make myself sick and feel like I didn't miss out on the experience of going to school.

So last year I had three different costumes...this time I only had 2. The nun idea came when I was laying on the beach in the DR, thinking...man I gotta think of a good costume. My roommates, my brother and I kept trying to think of something we could all be together. Then thats when the idea of nuns came. And my brother was supposed to be a priest.

But, just like my life, my costumes are very spontaneous. Even volatile.

First party: Law School. Last year I had a blast b/c there was a small dance floor, pool tables, and I could actually talk to people. But this year, its was a little too crazy for the likes of me. We showed up and the music was so loud I couldn't hear myself think. It made me feel like I was 50 years old. Thankfully we found my posse and then went upstairs where Brian and I started our own dance party.

Me sandwiched between the missionaries.

A nun, 2 Mormon missionaries, and Prefontaine walk into a bar....

I had such a blast dancing the night away and I was sick!

Second Party: Murder mystery dinner. My brother and I were thrilled to be invited for over to Lauren's for a Canadian (?) tradition. I was Cynthia Masters, a fashion magazine editor. My brother was Peter someone and he pulled off the British accent really well all night. He and I had some good laughs at others expenses, and I don't think they appreciated it as much as we did. But, we were successful in throwing everyone off because we took all the attention away from the real killer, Chris.

Here are all of the lovely murder suspects. Check out Lauren in the wig. So hot right now.

This was supposed to be "look like you're innocent" pic. Everyone instead looks like they are trying to be models. Except for my brothers face, priceless. Thats my brother....woot.

Third Party: The Hulets in Belmont. After the murder mystery dinner we ran home quick quick and I had to dig out my wonder woman costume that was buried in my closet. I also had to dig out the red lipstick and blue blue eyeshadow. But it all came together, and again I felt like I had super powers. You know, I thought the wonder woman costume would get old. I've only worn it like 8 times since I bought it 4 years ago. Every time I put it on though, I smile and go...hmmm...nope. Still fun!

My brother and I with our recycled costumes. Cam had actually been Beckham before. But he's a dang good one. And I helped with the mohawk.

We also party hopped and showed up at the Institute dance for a little bit. Thankfully I ran into one of my favorite people, Amanda Robison. We're bay area girls at heart.

Here's that picture I promised Cheryl. See post below to find out what this is all about. If you look closely, you can see the silhouette of me and my lovely red coat.

Fourth Party: Hilloween on Beacon Hill. Okay, so I know that I always talk about how much I love living in Beacon Hill, and Halloween was no exception. I walked out my door at 6 after my run and they had shut down all the roads and they were filled with trick or treaters. All the posh porches in Beacon Hill were all done up and there was a lot of candy! I didn't take any b/c I felt too old, but I saw the cutest kid costumes and it made me really want to have kids. At least just for Halloween and then I could give them back when they started acting up. :-)
The best part of the night though was that it was literally 70 degrees outside! 70 degrees! I didn't even need a jacket (i just wore one as an accessory).

This was a fabulous porch just right next door to us on W Cedar.

Here's Louisberg Square, the corner were John Kerry lives, just a couple blocks up from us.

There was a large crowd in front of John Kerry's the whole night. They had BOWLS and BOWLS of candy but no John Kerry sightings...

In the middle of Louisberg Square they put all these jack o lanterns in the middle. I love the jack o lanterns and then the lit porches in the back ground. I climbed on top of a fence to take this pic. I'm so hardcore.

Acorn St., the most photographed street in the United States (according to Katherine Mackey). But it was so cute, they had orange and black balloons.

This house had these huge spiders on it. Cool.

Love these porches. Everyone had their door decorated and open and they were having huge parties inside. It was so fun to see into these gorgeous houses.

There was a courtyard that was all decorated and "haunted" good times.

This door wasn't decorated. But I loved it. Mom, I took this pic for you. The mint green was so purty.

This house had these amazing detailed cut outs in all the windows.

More porches. :)

On the way home from Upper Crust, we walked by this couple that had a chihuahua...it was 2 pounds! She dressed it up in a ballerina doll dress and she was SO cute. I couldn't even get a picture of her because she was running around so much.

This was definitely one of my favorite halloweens of all time. Man. I can't wait till next year.


CoCo said...

Whit - I must admit (I love that those words rhyme - but that's not my real confession, the real confession is ...) Cam's recycled Beckham costume, SO much better with your help on the mohwak. Seriously.

Brian said...

Great. You managed to put the "fat" prefontaine pic of me up. Excuse me while I go throw up.

kt said...

dang. I love you as wonder woman. were the mormon missionaries momos?

Whits said...

CoCo -- I told Cam no one would know he recycled. Its true. No one did know. And all I did was blow his hair dry. He put in gobs and gobs of hair stuff in his hair. And he did all the growing out of it too.

Brian -- I think instead of throwing up, not eating is the way to go. ;-)

Kt-- No, the mormon missionaries were not momos. They heard I was going to be a nun and so they wanted to be missionaries. They actually weren't going to be missionaries b/c they thought I would be offended. Then when I told them it was fine, as long as they didn't drink and cuss all night, they could do it. Well, my conditions weren't met. But it was still really funny. They even made black name tags.

k8 said...

as fun as this all looks, it's when you post photos of Beacon Hill at Christmas that I will totally lose my mind. Such a great neighborhood!