Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Shout Out to Running

Its 1:08 AM. I have gotten little sleep this past weekend I have 35 pages to read for my class tomorrow afternoon which I"ll be on call on. And thats b/c I didnt read for last class and she called on me. As my friend Geoff said, "I cant believe I missed you saying PASS along with 3 LLMs". Anyway, so that was super embarrassing but for some reason not embarrassing enough to make me actually READ. sigh. It will get done. Just tomorrow. (and i'll prob have to skip evidence).

Anyway...so on my fabulous run today (I ran in shorts and a long sleeve tshirt and it was 57 degrees...totally doesn't feel like November around here) Anyway...so on my fabulous run today I couldn't help but think why I run everyday. And why I really miss it when I dont. I figured it out...besides the runners high, there are many things that keep me running...yeah that keep me running...

1. Best stress reliever ever. Doesn't matter if I had a good day or bad day, it all melts away when I start. There's that initial burst of energy when I start running that tackles any problems that I'm having. And for some reason my mind gets really clear mid way through and I work out any stress by the end of it.

2. Runners High. I never really believed that crap when I was running XC in high school. But now i find it really true. I feel like a million bucks when I run 8 miles at a reasonably fast pace.

3. Something about my pace. Ever since running in high school, people who run with me (well brian might be the exception, he messed up my pace but I think thats b/c I was trying to impress him) comment on how good of a pace I have. I think its the rhythm that comes through running that calms me down so much.

4. Competition. I wish I ran in more races but I pretty much get really competitive when it comes to running. Thats why I was pretty good in high school. It was a pride thing. I would start out the race at a reasonable pace and then just start picking off people. I really wasn't in as good shape as they were, I just wanted it more. I think I should run more half marathons. Running on the charles I run by a lot of people, which makes it fun when I pass a male that gets all upset I"m passing him and he suddenly speeds up.

5. Humor. There are always humorous things I see/think about/do on my runs. Like for example, I always think about the squirrels in Boston on my runs. I'm convinced they are all rabid. Either that or they smoke crack. I'm totally serious. In California and Utah, there were no crazy squirrels. Here, they always run TOWARD people as opposed to running away. Its really freaky but really quite hilarious at the same time. I also love messing with the geese since I HATE canadian geese, and I have ever since I lived in Seattle and they came and pooped all over our dock and lawn. I love thinking about funny things when I'm running and laughing to myself. And I love the occasional bum that hangs out on the benches by the Charles.

6. Music. I never ran with music in high school and scoffed at people that did. I was a purist and totally self righteous about it. THere was something so wrong with distracting your mind with music while running. Now I absolutely love listening to music while I run. Not to say that I still dont' enjoy a run where I don't have it and just listen to my breathing...but now I usually let it slip in and out of my consciousness and on almost every run...the perfect song comes on and I find myself running faster. Like the other day Enjoy the Silence came on at just the perfect time, when I was crossing the salt and pepper bridge and thinking about how great it is just to sit and think about life sometimes. And do nothing. Or like today Motorcycle Drive By came on while I was crossing the BU bridge and looking at Boston's beautiful skyline. It gave me this extra little boost where I swear I skipped a couple strides and left the ground for a few seconds. Now music is an integral part of the stress relief that comes with running.

7. Thoughts. I think I said this before, but for some reason my mind become really clear when I run and the best thoughts come out of my runs. I seem to be wittier, funnier, more intelligent when I'm running. Too bad I can run during my exams at law school or I'd be a straight A student.

8. Sweat and Pony tails. Some days it just feels really good to sweat. And about the only time I ever put my hair in a pony tail is for a run.

9. Scenery. I ran the Charles all last year and this year, but this year its SO much better. I have better views. When I run up the footbridge right by MGH, I get to the end and its the most spectacular view of the Charles. I run down to the BU bridge and then when I'm coming back and I run along the path that is right next to the Charles, it really doesnt get any better. Like today, I ran when the sun was setting and then right when it was dark at the end. The Charles was glass and so beautiful I almost cried. When I got to the salt and pepper bridge I had to stop and admire the dark pink, purple, bright blue, and dark blue sky that unfolded before me and the reflection in the river was simply breath taking. Seriously. The leaves are still somewhat attached to the trees which just sweetens the deal. And there is nothing more fun than running on all those leaves and making the crunch crunch crunch sound with every step.

So anyway, I've decided that the Charles will be my gym. Im going to make every effort to keep running in the bitter cold this winter. I know this won't last very long since I"m a total wuss when it comes to running in the cold, but I dont know if I can help myself. I better go buy a good hat, coat, scarf, gloves and more spandex to run in. I best be getting some new running shoes too. Sigh.


Lauren said...

hold the phone! did you say you hate canadian geese? shame. but no, i hear you. thanks for the post. everytime i run along the charles i play a little game called 'dodge the poop' it sucks, cause i do get so distracted by the beauty of the charles that i often lose.
oh and i am right there with you when it comes to the charles. i full on adore it! i have found my perfect spot. on the storrow side shortly after the mass bridge heading towards your place. all the footbridges and the colored leaves and the mini ponds. heavenly! and terribly romantic-like.
and i fully support the charles as a gym! that is my plan too, do it up all winter long, spandex and all, that is what we canadians are all about!

Rachel said...

I thought about making the Charles my gym this winter after all it is cheaper but i am such a baby in the cold. I went for a run out in the semi-cold then went straight to a gym near my house and signed up.

CoCo said...

almost, you convinced me (that I miss Boston).

kt said...

hmm, you're making me miss running. (weird)

k8 said...

ha! i sat in meetings all day today talking about women love to run. i should have brought this list...

ANJ said...

in the good old days when i was back in grad school (haha, just kidding, it just sounds so good to say that) i used to run in the middle of writing a paper to clear my head. i would always do all my research and make an outline, and then i'd go for a nice long run around fresh pond. when i got back from the 4 miler, i would sit down at my desk, all sweaty, and start writing. somehow, all the thoughts got themselves organized in my head that way.

also, one time i was in a class where we talked about racism and i was so angry/confused/frustrated that i left from school and ran 10 miles around the charles (to the mgh footbridge, as a matter of fact). during part of the run, i even cried. but by the time i got home, it had all passed.

one more thing. remember that one time i ran into you on our mutual runs by mit along the charles?

ahh, boston and running. i'm feeling sentimental.

Brian said...

I ran with you one time. You were too busy panting to be funny. Remember, Whit, I'm three steps ahead of you. everytime.