Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Let it Snow (in Utah)

Over conference weekend I was in SLC for my close friends wedding and to spend some time with my favorite people -- my two nieces and nephew, sister, and brother-in-law.

The weather was super crappy, really cold and sleeting. My body was in shock after leaving 90 degree weather in Boston. The sleet in the valley made for some pretty mountains though. We drove up to Alta on Sunday and I got super excited for ski season. People had already hiked up and skied down. My nieces were exciting for skiing too as they asked their dad, "DADDEEE...can we got skiing now!?" I love that the thrill of skiing runs in the family.

At the mouth of the canyon the fall colors were still bursting.

Crazy that there was this much snow in OCTOBER. I can only hope for good snow in December. :) Maybe I'll use one of my 4 day weekends to go skiing in November...

My close friend Steph got married to Rob and is now officially Steph Steph. Which I think is funny. Rob is a dreamboat and they are MFEO!

Here are some pretty pics of the couple.

What a good cake in the face shot.

After seeing cake shoved up Steph's and Rob's noses, I decided I'm not shoving cake up my nose at my wedding. ;) But its fun to watch nonetheless.

I missed out on some QT with friends in town that I was super sad about. I guess I just have to go to California.

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