Thursday, September 20, 2007

YO! MTV Raps + Puma = Awesomeness

I was on my way home after stopping for JP Licks fro yo when I walked by the Puma store on Newbury and was delighted to see huge Yo! MTV Raps signs in the window. Apparently the 80s are back, just in case you were blind for the past year. I didn't go inside because I had my fro yo cone, but I can't wait to see the flourescent kicks that this collaboration comes up with. I think I was like 3 years old when Yo! MTV Raps came out originally...but I still feel connected to it.

1 comment:

NatAttack said...

THanks for the head's up on your link. It's been fixed. HOpe you're still enjoying FNL--I laughed at your gChat line yesterday... that Riggins IS so hot right now!