Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Oscar Wrap Up

So I never like the Oscars. But I watch them anyway. This year I was more excited about them because I had actually seen quite a few of the movies that were nominated: The Departed, Dreamgirls, Little Miss Sunshine, Marie-Antoinette, The Queen...so anyway I felt more attached or more invested in it this year than previous years, when I hadn't seen any of the movies nominated.

Again, I was disappointed. I always ask myself why I watch. I mean I love the gowns and all, but its always too political and I just get annoyed about how self-aggrandizing it is. I always find myself saying, "What a waste of my time", yet I still watch. It's just a show to be like "look how great Hollywood is" when really Hollywood ain't that great. Yet I still go and see their movies.

Jack Black and Will Ferrell were the only good parts. Okay, and Jennifer Hudson.

But I was quite excited the departed won and so did Martin Scorcese. But I still dont endorse seeing it. It really was highly offensive. Even though it was good.

Can you see how I feel here people? I'm totally divided on this Oscar issue.

So...to sum up, I love and hate the oscars.


jocie said...

amen. i've realized that i like the oscars more when i don't watch them but find out the next day who won and who wore what. there were some beautiful dresses this year.

Linda said...

I never watch the ocsars. But i hear ENDLESS discussions about it at my internship where everyone has such strong opinions about everything. I just don't care. But I did look up will and jack on youtube and watched it three times. I thought that was brilliant. Mark Walberg's pretty hot and shouldn't me messed with.