Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Picking and Choosing

Someone once told me that when they bought an album, they just picked and chose songs they liked, and then either deleted the rest (!) or put them on an extra HD. I've had a couple of sampling CDs from this person, and it has driven me crazy that I've gotten 3 songs off of an album because the person had stored only those 3 songs on their computer. When I get to know a band, I must listen to their whole album. The record companies are complaining about the decline of the album and rise of the single, but really it's their own fault. That's how I grew up with music -- listening to singles on the radio and then going to Tower to buy the album. I often didn't even listen to the whole album (I was in middle school, so no judging). Only later when I was more mature did I realize that bands still make albums for a reason. Maybe I'm not crazy about every single song on an album, but it's still worth a listen.

My favorite albums are ones that have cohesiveness, like they did back in the day. Bands don't have any depth when they have one hit singles. Sorry.


CoCo said...

I'm pretty confident that I'm not the unnamed person you mention in this blog*, as I'd like to think that I'm similar to you ... I like to see all of it, regardless of how well I may or may not take a liking.

*I know I have been guilty of passing along songs and not having the FULL album, but that's usually b/c it's something I stumbled on and have yet to get the full compilation. :)

Whits said...

hahaha. no no it is not you. Mind you, I was going to make the disclaimer that I still love mixes even if I have one song from a band, but I would never, ever delete songs from an album or just partially import something.