Tuesday, March 06, 2007


This weekend whilst in DC I was talking to someone (I really wish I could remember who it was...dang) about how much I love U2. We were talking about our favorite albums and I said Achtung Baby and Zooropa. He agreed that Zooropa was awesome (I think it was a he at least..) and then dawned on me that I hadn't listened to that album in SO long. Zooropa was my first CD I purchased when I was in 5th grade and I just got a new CD player. I felt SO cool going to Sam Goody at Bellevue Square to purchase my first CD. $13.99 was so worth the hours and hours of play time that the CD got in my room. I was just talking about how awesome the album is with Karren on gchat right now...and we decided the WHOLE album is so good. Lemon, Zooropa, Babyface, Stay, Who's Gonna Pay for your Crashed Car, Dirty Day, the Wanderer...seriously the whole album is awesome. And who could forget the music video for Numb w/ the Edge?

Anyway, I just looked up Zooropa in my itunes and I'm listening to it right now. It's bringing me back to dancing around in my room on Yarrow Point when I was 11! I can still remember exactly how my room looked too. I felt so cool b/c I could finally put up my own posters (my mom didnt let me hang posters in Menlo Park). I had a big U of W Huskies poster along with a big Squaw Valley Poster (which I still have somewhere I think). I even had the U2 calendar from 1995 hanging up in that room.

Anyway, thank you U2 for bringing me back to my elementary and middle school days. I'm so enjoying this.

What are your favorite albums that bring you back in time?


k8 said...

if i was going to pick a U2 album with some serious nostalgia attached it would be Achtung Baby. I was in high school and for some reason it made me feel so grownup to listen to it. There was a cute kid in my TV class who said "Ultraviolet" was his favorite underrated U2 song and so I listened to it on repeat for weeks.
I could go on for days with this topic though...

Lauren said...

this is hilarious because the album i automatically think of is also ACHTUNG BABY. i was in junior high, grade 9, so about 14/15. i remember a specific moment of the past. i had slept over at my grandparents and i was taking the bus to school. it was also at a time when i though wearing black leggings to school was so cool. i just remember standing in the bus with my black leggings and some funky shirt (which i am sure was really ugly) listening over and over to achtung on my discman. oooooooh the days.

Whits said...

haha. I love it. Lauren, I hate to break it to ya but with or without you is on Joshua Tree, not achtung baby, but we'll forgive you this time. :)

I too have great memories of Achtung Baby. My brother had a sweet stereo system and I would dance around to Mysterious Ways w/ my sister and brother. I think I was in kindergarten. Then my sister got to go to ZooTV which I was SO jealous about and I was like in the 3rd grade. :)