Thursday, May 01, 2008


So in the last 48 hours I wrote 35 pages for 2 different papers. My brain was absolute mush last night and I had gotten little sleep all weekend. Today I took a breather which I really shouldn't have. Plus I'm dealing with a whole lot of other stuff that I didn't have time to deal with. I was kind of a wreck emotionally today and didn't start studying for my final that is in 6 1/2 hours until 12 AM.

It's closed book and its a lot of information. I think I'm kind of screwed. But here I am, blogging and facebooking instead of studying. I don't quite understand. I know I need to pass to graduate but I'm not even in panic mode right now.

What is going on?

I know its hard to fail a law school test. But really, I need to get my butt in gear if I want to pass this test. 6 1/2 hours until go time...yikes.

1 comment:

Ems said...

oh whitney, we are kindred spirits. I have a few pages left to write on a paper due today and here I am checking out your blog.

the difference is that you are younger than me and in law school and I am older than you and trying to get a bachelors you must have done something right (a lot of things) up to this point!!!

good luck sister, I totally feel your pain and wish I could zap out of you all of the emotional stress. almost there!