Starting in February with going out to visit Mike, the whole Australia vacation, dating one of my best friends, getting engaged, and trying really hard not to fail out of law school, I've felt a little like my world has been turned upside down. It's really fun to watch some of your well-laid plans go by the wayside in a couple months. (And by well-laid plans, I'm really not changing much. Its just the whole idea of being married and leaving the singles ward) I'm not saying this is a bad thing, au contraire, I couldn't be happier but the whole experience is a little surreal. Things have been moving so fast that I've enjoyed some downtime to go back and analyze how I got to this point. The whole process is a miracle in my life.
I just have to say that Heavenly Father knows exactly what is going on in our lives, and He does watch over us and He does have a plan for us. There a million little spiritual experiences I've had over the last year or so that have added up to something big. And I've had the "a-ha" moment so many times in the past month I can't even keep track of it. I have always had a testimony that Heavenly Father hears and answers our prayers, but I'm so grateful that He's let me have so many spiritual experiences that testify of that too. I have relished the chance to go back in my life and see how He's watched over me and even through the trials I've been given that I see how much He loves me and loves all of His children. I know the Lord's timing is the best and I couldn't be more grateful to Him for letting me see that in my own life.
I'm so thankful my world has been turned upside down. It's awesome to see it from a whole different perspective in a matter of months.