Sunday, January 27, 2008

So I'm 4 years behind

Because the writer's strike has kept me from my ultimate guilty pleasure gossip girl, I somehow thought it would be a good idea to watch the OC. I've heard so much about it for so long, I finally decided to give in. I had seen part of one episode from season 4 and thought it was pretty stupid. Little did I know season one would be a lot better.

So I borrowed season one and watched it with some friends this weekend. I watched 14 episodes.
Bottom line: The OC is poison. Especially when you have a 15 page paper to write.
And I might have a crush on Ryan Atwood.


Mike Lau said...

hmmm this sounds like a post that me and rich put up at the end of last semester....

k8 said...

whit, you and i are television soul mates.

also, i can't wait to come watch the rest of the season WITH you : )

rich said...

Oh man, is Mike ever right. This show is like crack. However, not all is bad I felt like I learned a lot.