Tuesday, January 29, 2008

If I ever do this...shoot me

But I did find this REALLY hilarious.


Lauren said...

hahahahahahahaha!i wouldn't put it past you. haha! xo

Mike Lau said...

Wait wait wait!!! If I remember correctly there was a picture of you holding a sign asking a certain baseball player to marry you because you were mormon...hmmm...

Whits said...

Now wait a minute. There is a HUGE difference between dressing up in a wedding dress and yelling out to a famous football player to marry you at the biggest sports event of the season's press conference.

HUGE difference. Maybe I failed to mention that she dressed up in a wedding dress. A wedding dress!


CoCo said...

Shoot. I have to go with your buddy Mike b/c the whole time I was thinking, if Whit had easy access to a wedding dress she probably would have used it on Jacoby. :)

TUG said...

If you did this to Tom Brady we should shoot you or would it be okay if you did it to Jacoby Ellsbury?

Whits said...

You guys. Really? I would NOT put on a wedding dress and yell out marry me to some sports figure. Either to Jacoby or to Brady or to anyone else. hahaha.

Making a sign (it was in jest!) is not the same as throwing on a wedding dress.

But i'm very amused.